A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog: Driven by Awe and Driven by Awe: Humility Serve the Lord with Gladness “Why are you scrubbing toilets? Or painting on a church work day? Why choose to teach Sunday school, preach the Word, or play guitar? It should be an easy…
Driven by Awe: Humility
He cried out in anguish fearing he would drop dead any moment. As he stood in front of such beauty, such perfection and power, there was no pretense left in him. Whereas in the past he might have defended himself and argued for the goodness of his character, especially compared to those around him, now…
Driven by Awe
Humans love to be mesmerized. We yearn to stand in awe. We’ll pay money and travel long distances for the opportunity to behold great beauty. We take family trips to the Grand Canyon to stand on its edge in amazement. We’ll spend hours on a plane and hike through a luscious green Hawaiian forest to…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/18
As a reminder, this month will only consist of shared links, but I plan on beginning a new blog series in August about living in awe of God and the practical implications living in such awe has for our lives. Stay tuned! Here’s a collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From Everlasting…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/4
I recently returned from a trip to a remote village in the Andes Mountains in Peru sharing the gospel and establishing connections for further trips. Pray for our work there in an area with no gospel influence…may the Lord raise up believers and plant an evangelical church! I haven’t been able to post much original…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/6
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace! Four Guidelines for Dating Without Regrets “In his book Pure, Dean Inserra commends an approach that he calls “no regrets dating.” He suggests four simple and common-sense guidelines that can help couples date in a way that will leave them without…
God is Everywhere, Why Should I Go To Church?
“I don’t need to go to a building to meet with God.” “I can read my Bible and pray anywhere.” “I love Jesus, but I’m against organized religion.” I hear these types of statements often, usually as a justification to skip out on the weekly gathering of God’s people (church). It’s true that we can…
Thinning the Peaches
“I know it hurts, but you gotta do it.” I could relate to what the man on the Youtube video said. His video taught how to nurture a peach tree to get the biggest and sweetest fruit. This time of the year my peach tree is filled with hundreds of dime-sized peaches, but the secret…
The Last Funeral
As I walk into the funeral, There’s no sadness, grief or tears, But faces full of wonder, No more plagued by fears. No flowers for the family, Not a wailing soul in sight. The clothes weren’t black or mournful, But bright garments of white. No one weighed down by their sorrow, Or grief too strong…
The Goodness of God’s Wrath
Last year, a video went viral that rightly sparked outrage. A man brutally attacked a 65-year-old woman in Manhattan in broad daylight while the attacker shouted out racial insults. The video shows three men watching from the nearby lobby, one of them the building’s security guard. None of the three men did anything to help…