It was the strangest of times, it was the most frustrating of times. How else could one revise Dickens’ famous opening line to describe our current cultural era? Foundational ideas and understandings are changing at lightening pace. The majority opinion from twenty years ago regarding marriage is now viewed as oppressive and unwelcome in public…
Growing in Grace- Links 5/29
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Last School Drop Off, Last Drive-to-School Prayer “I prayed my usual drive-to-school prayer for her. It’s a prayer my girls have heard each time I’ve had the privilege of dropping them off in the morning—the car growing increasingly quiet with each passing year. I’ve been…
Keep Picking the Weeds
I wipe the sweat from my forehead with my dirty hands as I look with a feeling of accomplishment. In the ground before me is a small square of tilled up dirt that, Lord willing, will soon flourish with green plants bearing delicious tomatoes, watermelon, cucumbers, green beans, and many other healthy vegetables for my…
Satan Wants to Isolate You
We call the lion “The King of the Jungle” for a reason. Its speed, strength, and stalking abilities strike fear into the rest of the animal kingdom. However, many of its prey are larger or faster, forcing the lion to compensate for these disadvantages through strategy and patience. Generally, it’s the lionesses who hunt to…
Growing in Grace- Links 4/10
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Why I No Longer Use Transgender Pronouns–and Why You Shouldn’t Either “Christians who use the moral lens of LGBTQ+ personhood are not merely a “soft presence” in the enemy camp. Their malleability makes them pudding in the enemy’s hand. They make false converts to a…
Growing in Grace- Links 3/20
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: How to Ruin A Perfectly Good Friendship “To do any of that would make a friendship burdensome instead of free. Such intense evaluation and introspection would rob the friendship of warmth and life and instead leave it bound by rules and regret. In fact, it…
Reading Through Leviticus
By this time of the year, many well-meaning New Year’s resolutions to read through the Bible in a year have derailed. Most make it through the familiar stories in Genesis. The miracles and sheer power of God on display makes reading through Exodus a breeze. However, many would-be travelers have fallen off the reading wagon…
I’ll See You in Heaven
It’s been nearly a year since my last conversation with Granny, but her final words still haven’t left me. Last summer, after a long battle with her sickness, her health began rapidly declining. What I least wanted to happen was near, so I dialed the phone knowing it would be our last conversation. As we…
Growing in Grace- Links 2/13
A collection of links to encourage you today! On Letting Your Kids Go “I would encourage parents to deliberately begin loosening their oversight well before their children leave. We do not serve our children well when we maintain rigid control over them while they are in the home but then simply release them when they…
Doubts and Questions in the Christian Life
If faith is the conviction of something we can’t see (Hebrews 11), doubt seems contrary to faith. Yet, doubt is something most believers can relate to. Not necessarily doubting the existence of God, though for some this might be the case, but doubting whether or not God sees us, cares about us, or continues to…