I love running, but can’t stand treadmills. I can’t get past the idea of putting in so much work, sweat, and tears without actually going anywhere. I need to distract myself from my inability to breathe, and staring at the same room doesn’t do the trick. If the weather forces me to run inside, I…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/16
A collection of links from around the web: Humility and Hope: My Prayer for the SBC Convention A word from our newly elected SBC president. May it be so! 10 Practical Ways to Treasure Christ “As Christians, we must ask ourselves: How much of our time is spent scrolling, practicing a hobby, watching TV, or…
A Seemingly Harmless Yet Destructive Enemy in the Church: The Whisperer
As an 80s kid, Ghostbusters was a big part of my childhood. As a huge fan, I would wait with anticipation to watch the cartoons each week, and playing with the action figures (I owned them all) got me through the commercials. I even had my own ‘proton pack’ with which I rescued our family…
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How to Sharpen Your Concentration for Bible Reading “We live in a distracted age. We sneak frequent glances at our phones and get immersed in things that don’t matter in the long run. This has consequences for our work and family lives. It also wreaks havoc on our Bible reading. When we struggle to pay…
There’s Healing in His Name
I can hear their whispers and feel the awkward stare, they assume because I cannot see, I must not know or care. They view me as an outcast, my existence, to them, bane I felt their judgment my whole life, and grown numb to the pain. They think it’s something that I’ve done,…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/1
A collection of links from around the web: Your 7 Job Responsibilities as a Church Member Did you know, ordinary church member, that Jesus has given you a job? Your elders have a special office, to be sure, but so do you. And Jesus has given you elders in order to train you to do your job. Ministering…
Does the Bible Claim to be Authoritative?
Most of us don’t like authority. We don’t like to be told what to do or how to do it. Yet, whether we like it or not, authority is a part of life. We will live and work under authority. We have bosses, shareholders, administrations, etc. to whom we work for. We all answer to…
Growing in Grace- Links 5/25
Thinking Theologically About Memorial Day “With Memorial Day on Monday (in the U.S.) and, no doubt, a number of patriotic services scheduled for this Sunday, I want to offer a few theses on patriotism and the church.” A Better Version of Noah’s Ark “The famous (or infamous, depending whom you ask) story of Noah and…
Am I Deceived? Marks of a True Believer
They were reclining at the table when they were hit with the shocking news. On the last night with his disciples, Jesus revealed the terrible truth: “One of you will betray me, one who is eating with me” (Mark 14:18). With raised brows and shrugged shoulders, the disciples looked around at each other confused. Who…
Growing in Grace: Links 5/18
A collection of links you might find helpful or interesting. Click below to read: Are You Ashamed of the Gospel? “These cultural pressures make it seem so difficult to share Jesus with our neighbors and friends and family, even though we believe it to be good news for them. Why is it so hard?” Confessions…