Check out these links from around the web: Why the Reformation Still Matters “And that was why the Reformation gave people such a taste for sermons and Bible reading. For, to be able to read God’s words and to see in them such good news that God saves sinners, not on the basis of how…
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From the blog this week: True, Lasting Refreshment Lies People Believe About Reformed Theology (part 1) “Some people love it, others deeply despise it. I’ve learned over the years since embracing the doctrines held within it, that much of the rejection of Reformed Theology is rooted in misunderstandings regarding what it teaches.” This is an…
True, Lasting Refreshment
A gentle rain washes my dusty sidewalk and quenches my thirsty grass. The suffocating humidity has given way to cool, crisp air as I head out for my morning run. Green yards are slowly being sprinkled with brown, red and yellow leaves falling from the trees. Fall is here, and I’m all for it. There’s…
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The End of the World As We Know It A helpful infographic on the different views of the end times. 6 Gospel-Centered Leadership Values Six things we should look for in church leaders. How to Thrive Through Transition “If you and I want strong faith, we must have a strong commitment to our local church….
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From the blog this week: Trusting When God’s Plan Seems Doomed to Fail How Do I Tell If I Am Lukewarm? “The way to tell whether you are among the number of the spiritually self-satisfied is to look at your prayer life. There’s the barometer. To tell whether we are in the bondage to spiritual…
Trusting When God’s Plan Seems Doomed to Fail
It was his first major battle as the new leader. He would have to stand before the people and tell them the plan. Filling Moses’ shoes as the leader of Israel would be a difficult task for anyone, and Joshua was about to face a major test. How would he lead the people to defeat…
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From the blog this week: Losing Discernment Why We Should Root Our Theology in Church History “Like trees, let’s build from the foundations set before us. Let’s learn from the lessons already learned. Let’s discern where others were perhaps misguided and study where and how they flourished in proclaiming truth. Let’s seek to add another…
Losing Discernment
Narcissism isn’t a new issue, but I’m often overwhelmed by how prevalent it is. It seems to be tolerated, perhaps at times celebrated, even among self-proclaimed Christians. Pragmatism rules the day so that if someone “gets the job done” then we’ll turn a blind eye to their narcissistic ways. I recently listened to a podcast…
Trust Not in Princes
It happens every four years. The rhetoric ramps up, tensions flare, and people vouch for their candidate as two opposing political parties battle for the highest office in the land. Each side presents their promises while also painting a picture of the apocalyptic downfall that will occur if the other side wins. The Importance and…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/27
From the blog this week: Ask for Help Below are some links from around the web to encourage you this week! Honoring Those We Disagree With “The world teaches us that to love or honor means to agree; it’s called tolerance. And tolerance is a cheap alternative to Christian love. It’s not actually loving, and…