Scripture provides vivid warnings of judgment and eternal hell for those who don’t repent and believe in Christ. Such warnings occur throughout the Bible and in Jesus’ earthly teaching. In Revelation 14, those who reject Christ and instead worship the beast “will be tormented with fire and sulfur…and the smoke of their torment goes up…
Paralyzing Accusations: Satan’s Ploy to Debilitate Believers
Still half-asleep, I stumble to the kitchen to turn on the Keurig. I hear the boys’ bedroom door open followed by a miniature stampede of pattering feet running my direction. The two youngest stop and look at me, but I’m not prepared for anything but coffee. Immediately, my 5-year-old points at his brother and proceeds…
Growing in Grace- Links 5/17
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog: What is Regeneration? 6 Sins that Enable Abuse “We claim, ‘As Christians we extend grace to sinners,’ yet we neglect to extend grace to traumatized children and heartbroken wives. We justify our silence, saying, ‘Love covers a multitude of sins,’ as if…
What is Regeneration?
He stealthily traveled by night, so as not to be seen. Finally, he arrived and saw the one who had caused so much commotion, the one some called a miracle-worker but who others called the Messiah. Nicodemus had pondered these events in his head, but when he reached Jesus he said to him, “Rabbi, we…
Growing in Grace- Links 4/19
A collection of links from around the web: From the blog: Why I Write If Justification is Once-for-All, Why Do I Need to Keep Repenting? “The reason we pray “Forgive us our debts” is not because we’ve lost our state of grace and need to be re-saved. Justification is permanent. Rather, confessing our sin reminds…
Why I Write
In a recent conversation with a group of writers, we were ruminating how writing, like most things, has both mountaintop experiences and desert seasons. Such ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ are inevitable and one must learn how to navigate and persevere especially during the ‘down’ times. There seemed to be agreement that knowing why we write is…
Growing in Grace- Links 4/5
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog: God Sees Your Intentions American Culture is Broken. Is Theonomy the Answer? “The simplest observation to make about Theonomy as a hermeneutic is that it misunderstands the relationship between the old covenant and the new covenant—which leads to misapplications today.” Character Matters…
God Sees Your Intentions
He was a new believer who had forsaken his old way of life and had recently been baptized. He was amazed at the powerful work of God he was seeing in his town. Most amazing of all, Simon watched as people received the Holy Spirit when the apostles laid their hands on them. He had…
Growing in Grace- Links 3/22
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog: The Effectual Call of the Holy Spirit Answering the Top 10 Questions in the Abortion Debate “This year marks 48 years since the Supreme Court declared abortion to be a fundamental right. Abortion was the leading cause of…
The Effectual Call of the Holy Spirit
In a previous post, we looked at the general call of the Holy Spirit that goes out to all people. Everyone is given the opportunity to repent and believe the gospel, and Christians are to share the good news to all indiscriminately. So, why do some hear and believe while others hear and reject? We…