Last week I preached the funeral of a dear friend and sister in Christ. The Lord used her as a constant reminder of his amazing grace to me and so many others. I knew her as Mrs. Jo, and she passed away at the age of ninety-eight. Every Thursday she came to Bible study eager…
The Dreaded Answer
We absolutely hate it. It’s vile and wretched and rarely the answer we want to hear. Yet, unfortunately, we often find it a regular part of life. What is this four-letter response that leads us to wince when we hear it? Wait. None of us like to wait. Whether it’s the DMV or the line…
Six Characteristics of Union With Christ
One of the great encouragements of Scripture is that believers are said to be “in Christ.” Not only have we been forgiven and redeemed, we have been united with Christ. While this is great news, this doctrine can often be mysterious. The better we understand this great truth the more we’ll be encouraged in our…
Love Hurts: Deep Sorrow and Profound Beauty
As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a little blonde dash across the playground like a gazelle. I couldn’t believe how big she had gotten in such a short time. In the backseat of the van my daughter squealed with excitement. We hadn’t seen our former foster daughter in over a year but…
The New Birth: 7 Evidences of Regeneration
Regeneration is God implanting a new life, a new disposition within us. In that moment, we go from our natural mindset that opposes God to a new spiritual mindset that knows and loves God. Such a change is so drastic, Jesus said it’s like being born again (John 3). A newborn shows signs of life…
Uniquely Gifted: Overcoming Comparison
Healthy competition can lead us to work harder and achieve more than we ever thought possible. However, competition’s ugly cousin, comparison, promises to help us achieve more but often leaves us in despair. It debilitates and discourages, leaving us feeling insignificant and purposeless. It reminds us there is always someone else who is more successful,…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/30
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace! The Gold Mine in the Local Church “God has uniquely gifted the local church to help the people of God reach the nations for God. Though you can mine the depths of the minds of great authors in their books, your…
Lloyd-Jones on the Limitations of Science
Before beginning his ministry, many viewed Martyn Lloyd-Jones as the next “up and coming” doctor. He received the best medical training and others noticed his abundant abilities, including his instructors. Dr. Lloyd-Jones was no stranger to science and saw much value in it. However, he also saw its limitations. For example, Lloyd-Jones warned that many…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/16
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! Why the Ordinary Means of Grace Must Be Central in Our Gatherings “It remains, however, a perennially pressing question as to what role these elements ought to play in any given Sunday service. Certainly, they ought to feature regularly in the life of the church….
A Greater Longing
Our greatest desire guides every decision we make. When faced with options, we will choose what we want and what we perceive to provide the greatest benefit. Oftentimes, we have competing desires and we’ll make our choice based on the greatest desire in that moment. For example, I might have a desire to lose fifteen…