A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace on this cold day: Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy “While obviously there are boundaries to our unity—we would not tolerate differences in the core doctrines of the Christian faith—we are to see other differences as opportunities to display the glory of God by…
Category: Links
2024 Bible Reading Plans
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” This quote, commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin, is applicable in many areas of life. I believe one of those areas is our Bible reading plan. Many good New Year’s resolutions to read Scripture have failed because of lack of direction. You may choose to read…
Most Viewed Articles of 2023
Everyone loves a good list, especially at the end of the year. Grateful for another year of being able to blog and I hope and pray the articles are helpful and encouraging for your continual growth in the grace of our Lord! Here are the ten most viewed articles of 2023: 10. What Does It…
Growing in Grace- Links 11/6
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Three Years Later: What I Miss Most “Today, though, I sure do miss him. I miss having someone who loved me in that unique way a son loves his father, and I miss having someone to love in that unique way a father loves a…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/9
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: Finding Beauty in the Local Church in Our Age of Social Media “Social media provides a way to connect with others, laugh at funny memes, and keep up with our favorite sports teams, but it also tempts us toward comparison and…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/25
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: Love Your Church Anyway “I know that if I continue to connect with people at my church, there’s a chance I’ll eventually be misunderstood, betrayed, and rejected by some, but it’s worth the risk for the chance that I’ll be understood,…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/28
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Let God Prove Himself “Why give money to the church when you aren’t certain you’ll be able to afford next year’s tuition or put down first-and-last on an apartment? How does it make sense to give money away when you have so little and need…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/3
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Fathers, Do You Provoke Your Children? “How can we walk by the Spirit and bear spiritual fruit unless we are spending time in daily communion? Fathers, the grace of God is flowing like a cool, crisp spring stream, and we need to continually wade in…
Growing in Grace- Links 5/29
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Last School Drop Off, Last Drive-to-School Prayer “I prayed my usual drive-to-school prayer for her. It’s a prayer my girls have heard each time I’ve had the privilege of dropping them off in the morning—the car growing increasingly quiet with each passing year. I’ve been…
Growing in Grace- Links 4/10
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Why I No Longer Use Transgender Pronouns–and Why You Shouldn’t Either “Christians who use the moral lens of LGBTQ+ personhood are not merely a “soft presence” in the enemy camp. Their malleability makes them pudding in the enemy’s hand. They make false converts to a…