From the blog this week: The Necessity of the Atonement Following Jesus When It’s Difficult “If it’s just about how many people raise their hands, or come forward at the close of the service, if it’s just about stats at the end of the outreach event, or camp, or rally—then sure, tell people that Jesus…
Category: Links
Growing in Grace- Links 1/11
From the blog this week: The Substitutionary Death of Christ Carve Your Eyeball Out of its Socket “Jesus would not use the language of chopping off a hand or plucking out an eye if the habitual indulging of lust was some little ol’ thing you could manage. Free porn will cost you more than you…
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From the blog this week: Top 10 Posts of 2019 Neither Sin nor Death nor Elections Can Hinder God’s Work in 2020 “The gospel promise that’s become precious to me, however, has more grit and hope than any election propaganda or prosperity sermon could offer.” Seize the Morning: New Habits for a New Year “Is…
Growing in Grace- Links 12/20
From the blog this week: What Does Scripture Teach About Joy? Grace: The Dominant Note of Christmas “So the eternal Word of God took on human flesh, and in that way the divine Son of God—who never had an origin, and never came into being, and was God, but was also with God— became man….
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From the blog this week: 9 Favorite Reads of 2019 Don’t Mistake Experience for Growth “It’s a sad truth that many churches are full of people who have professed saving faith in Christ, attended and served faithfully for twenty to thirty-plus years, taught Sunday school, and read their Bibles, but have not been transformed at…
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From the blog this week: Devotional Recommendations for 2020 The 2020 Reading Challenge “Do you love to read? Do you want to learn to love to read? Do you enjoy reading books that cross the whole spectrum of topics and genres? Then I’ve got something that may be right up your alley—the 2020 Christian Reading Challenge.”…
Growing in Grace- Links 11/29
From the blog this week: The Sacrifice A Visual Theology Advent Reading Calendar For Your Family This might be a helpful resources for your family this season! Never Be Wise in Your Own Eyes “So, we need God to give us a spirit of true wisdom, to teach us how to crucify our pride. Along…
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From the blog this week: Thanking God for Adoption Day Run Your Race–Not Someone Else’s “This conceit manifests itself in our tendency to compare ourselves to others and to measure our worth or performance against theirs. If we’re feeling pretty good about ourselves, we feel superior and proud. But if we’re feeling down about ourselves,…
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From the blog this week: Who Were the Calvinistic Methodist? Growing Beyond Surface Christianity “Many shallow Christians don’t even know they are living on the surface; they’ve never been taught there’s more to the walk of faith! No one has opened the door to theology, making it interesting and understandable to them. And no one…
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From the blog this week: Another Big Week Do I Need More Self-Esteem? “Though self-esteem may be preached by our culture, the concept is not in the Bible. God never calls us to believe in ourselves, love ourselves, trust in ourselves, or have confidence in ourselves. On the contrary, the Bible says our hearts are…