We live in uncertain and unpredictable times. We know living in a fallen world means this is always true, but there are times when we are able to perceive it even more clearly. Right now is one of those times. Things that were so predictable and certain, such as having a church service on Sunday…
Category: Christian Living
The Comforting Truth of God’s Sovereignty
Only the bravest people dare to venture outside in the middle of a Texas summer day, the rest of us are either in an air-conditioned building or near water. My kids love to swim, and being inside all day supplies young children abundant energy that needs to be burned if there’s to be any hope…
Why Bother With The Church?
Most of us would never approach a strong man, with his wife at his side, and shout, “I like you, but I hate your bride!” Even if it’s true that his wife is not the most pleasant person, he’s going to defend her and you are about to be in pain. For this reason, most…
When You Can’t See God Working
I love running, but can’t stand treadmills. I can’t get past the idea of putting in so much work, sweat, and tears without actually going anywhere. I need to distract myself from my inability to breathe, and staring at the same room doesn’t do the trick. If the weather forces me to run inside, I…
A Seemingly Harmless Yet Destructive Enemy in the Church: The Whisperer
As an 80s kid, Ghostbusters was a big part of my childhood. As a huge fan, I would wait with anticipation to watch the cartoons each week, and playing with the action figures (I owned them all) got me through the commercials. I even had my own ‘proton pack’ with which I rescued our family…
Am I Deceived? Marks of a True Believer
They were reclining at the table when they were hit with the shocking news. On the last night with his disciples, Jesus revealed the terrible truth: “One of you will betray me, one who is eating with me” (Mark 14:18). With raised brows and shrugged shoulders, the disciples looked around at each other confused. Who…
Doing the Impossible: Foster Care and the Church
I tiptoed into my room so I wouldn’t wake him. Laying on a mattress wrapped in his red ‘blankey’ was a napping three-year-old little boy. While typically an explosion of energy, loudly bouncing around from one toy to the next, he lay there asleep and looked so peaceful. We had received a call from CPS a…
Battling Discouragement
We all battle discouragement throughout our life. It might come about because of a situation we are dealing with or something we see on the news. Sometimes it cannot even be explained, we just wake up one morning and feel discouraged. When it comes, it hits us like a wave and floods our soul with…
When It’s Hard to Forgive
“Christians are the most forgiven people in the world. Therefore, we should be the most forgiving people in the world.” While we know that should be true, it isn’t always the case. I know I’m supposed to forgive, but sometimes I just don’t want to. Sometimes it seems too hard to actually forgive…at least, to…
Do You Love Your Friends Enough to Hurt Them?
Most of us know the popular slogan “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” It’s a simple phrase that’s been around since the early 80s. With just a few words, the phrase carries much meaning. The subject, “friends,” shows that we’re talking about people who care. What do these friends do? They don’t let their friends…