There are certain moments a father never forgets. One of the sweetest memories of my young children occurred when I came home after work. Immediately, my children would drop whatever they were doing and scream “Daddy’s home” while running full speed into my kneecaps. Though I came home everyday, they greeted me as if I…
Category: Christian Living
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Kings tried to take his life. He stood toe-to-toe with an armed giant who terrified entire armies. He walked by faith in situations that would make many run in fear. Almighty God called him a “man after my own heart.” Yet, in spite of his history of godly character and tremendous faith, David let down…
The Fight For Life
This past Sunday was the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day set aside to reflect on God as the Giver of life, to remember the many who’ve been lost to abortion, and to raise awareness for the cause of life. Below is the sermon I preached that covers: Abortion is not merely a political…
Snatched From The Fire
Last week I attended a funeral for a 92-year-old man. His daughter shared how the Lord impressed upon her to share the gospel with her father. While together for Thanksgiving, she tried to steer the conversation that way, but it didn’t happen. She tried again a few weeks later and was once again unable. Sensing…
Most Read Articles of 2024
We all love a good “best of” list at the end of the year. Thank you for following along and I pray you are continually encouraged as you read the Growing in Grace blog. Here’s a list of the most read articles of 2024: If God is Sovereign, Why Pray? “If God controls everything, if…
When You Don’t Feel Thankful
This week, many of us will gather with family and friends to feast and remind ourselves of all we have to be thankful for. Some enter this season joyfully and find it easy to spout off reasons for their thankfulness. Others have had a difficult year and already feel pressure to “look the part” this…
A Single-Issue Voter?
So you’re a single-issue voter? It’s a question that’s often asked with a negative connotation. To be a single-issue voter is looked upon as ignorant or overly dogmatic. Perhaps it’s true that being a single-issue voter on certain issues is too extreme. Being overly dogmatic on every issue might show a lack of level-headedness. However,…
When Fear Assails…
I began the day with a heavy and stressed heart. I had to lead a meeting that would most likely be confrontational and intense. All morning I prayed for the Lord to take care of it in a way that only he can. “Lord, I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know how…
The Slow and Steady Work of the Spirit
I recently traveled with a new team to a village in Peru that several churches in our area visit throughout the summer. Deep in the Andes mountains (pictured above), a part of my heart lives in the tiny village of Quito-Arma. My nine-year-old son traveled with me for the first time. When we finally made…
Distracted By Things We Can’t Know
It seems that every few years there’s a new best-selling Christian book that creatively fits the latest news headlines into Scripture, specifically the book of Revelation. These authors find hints and clues throughout Scripture that fit together in a way that tells us that Christ’s coming is near. Although none of these books have proven…