A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Social Anxiety and the God Who Held Mary “How are we supposed to make sense of these instances when our prayers go unanswered and no life ring is tossed to us in our greatest need?” Why Young People Should Read “Our God is a God…
Author: James Williams
Growing in Grace- Links 11/30
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace. What Should Christians Think of Same-Sex Marriage? “By recognizing same-sex unions as marriage, just like the husband-wife relationship we’ve always called marriage, the state is engaging in (or at least codifying) a massive reengineering of our social life. It assumes the indistinguishability of gender in…
Driven by Awe: Missions
After six hours in a crammed airplane, we finally landed in Lima. Due to the long flight, it seemed my legs forgot how to work. Grateful to be able to move freely, I walked through the airport relieved. However, this was only the first leg of our journey. Next, we would squeeze as many people…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/31
Happy Reformation Day! Today’s links will hopefully provide some helpful content as to why the Reformation was so important and how it affects us today! Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation – Christian History Made Easy A video explaining the basics of the Reformation and Martin Luther. Four Reasons to Highlight the Protestant Reformation “But…
Driven by Awe: Faithful Endurance
I left feeling discouraged and deflated. It was one of those meetings with someone who wasn’t trying to provide constructive criticism out of love, they simply wanted to critique and attack. In those moments, you forget anything encouraging anyone has ever said, and you feel like you’ve only failed over and over. It’s tempting to…
Driven by Awe: Fighting Sin
I opened the fridge and immediately noticed it. There, in all it’s glory, sat the leftover piece of chocolate cake. It called out to me like the ocean calls out to Moana. My mouth began to water as I immediately imagined indulging in its sweetness. The moist cake topped with the proper ratio of chocolate…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/29
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog: Driven by Awe and Driven by Awe: Humility Serve the Lord with Gladness “Why are you scrubbing toilets? Or painting on a church work day? Why choose to teach Sunday school, preach the Word, or play guitar? It should be an easy…
Driven by Awe: Humility
He cried out in anguish fearing he would drop dead any moment. As he stood in front of such beauty, such perfection and power, there was no pretense left in him. Whereas in the past he might have defended himself and argued for the goodness of his character, especially compared to those around him, now…
Driven by Awe
Humans love to be mesmerized. We yearn to stand in awe. We’ll pay money and travel long distances for the opportunity to behold great beauty. We take family trips to the Grand Canyon to stand on its edge in amazement. We’ll spend hours on a plane and hike through a luscious green Hawaiian forest to…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/18
As a reminder, this month will only consist of shared links, but I plan on beginning a new blog series in August about living in awe of God and the practical implications living in such awe has for our lives. Stay tuned! Here’s a collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From Everlasting…