Links from around the web to help you grow in grace! Click below to read. 7 Ways to Protect and Pass on the Gospel The importance of the church in proclaiming the gospel and some practical steps. Safe, Comfortable, and Unhappy: Finding Life by Overcoming Fear “Cowardice may seem distant and personally irrelevant to the…
Author: James Williams
5 Truths We Can Learn From Ezekiel About Ministry
In the first three chapters of Ezekiel we see his call to ministry. Ezekiel was given a specific task for a specific time, but we can all learn from his call to ministry. When I say ‘ministry,’ I don’t just mean vocational ministry, although that is included. If you are a believer, you have a…
Growing in Grace- Links 4/6
A collection of links from around the web to encourage you in your growth. Click below to read: Be a Gospel Neighbor The challenge is for every church and Christian to see the importance of engaging our neighbors—the people God has specifically put in our lives. Whether it’s a house we drive past each and…
Hope For Those in Exile
Disappointment is defined as “the feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations.” We live our lives with expectations, whether we realize them or not, and when those expectations are not met we are frustrated and/or disappointed. The first three verses of Ezekiel give us the context of Ezekiel’s…
Growing in Grace- Links 3/30
A collection of links from around the web this week to encourage you in your growth! Click the links below. Keep it Simple: Loving Our Neighbors as Ourselves is Two-Sided “When the music swells, when the blood boils, when we’re sure we’ve been wronged, Jesus’ expectation seems like a pipe dream. Love might bear, believe,…
Weeping, Longing, and Resurrection
If he hurried, there would still be time. Word had gotten to Jesus that Lazarus was ill, possibly near death, and Jesus could make it if he left right away. But, he didn’t. In fact, he waited two days (John 11). Why did Jesus wait? Shouldn’t he have hurried to get to the friends he…
Growing in Grace- Links 3/22
A collection of links to encourage your growth. Click links below: Down Syndrome: The Bigger Picture, A Better Dream “In an instant, the dreams I had envisioned for our family’s future crumbled in my hands, like hardened mud breaking apart at the slightest touch. Nowhere, in all of my dreaming in life, had Down syndrome…
Battling Discouragement
We all battle discouragement throughout our life. It might come about because of a situation we are dealing with or something we see on the news. Sometimes it cannot even be explained, we just wake up one morning and feel discouraged. When it comes, it hits us like a wave and floods our soul with…
Growing in Grace- Links 3/16
A collection of links from around the web to encourage you in your growth. Click below to read. Is Hospitality Your Mentality? “Rather than opening and sharing our homes, the current American Dream is that each family member has his or her own room, their own screen, and their own bathroom. The typical American home…
When It’s Hard to Forgive
“Christians are the most forgiven people in the world. Therefore, we should be the most forgiving people in the world.” While we know that should be true, it isn’t always the case. I know I’m supposed to forgive, but sometimes I just don’t want to. Sometimes it seems too hard to actually forgive…at least, to…