It’s time for the annual lists of favorite books read this year! If you are hoping to read more in 2024, or you are looking for gifts for a reader, I hope this list is helpful for you. These are not necessarily new books (though some are) but books that I personally read this year….
Author: James Williams
Thankful In All Circumstances
It’s hard to believe that it’s already Thanksgiving! This Thursday we’ll set aside time to gather with family and friends to feast and give thanks. As Christians, we give thanks to God for all his blessings in our life. However, sometimes it can feel forced, can’t it? Sometimes we go through a difficult time or…
Growing in Grace- Links 11/6
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: Three Years Later: What I Miss Most “Today, though, I sure do miss him. I miss having someone who loved me in that unique way a son loves his father, and I miss having someone to love in that unique way a father loves a…
Healing Words or Sword Thrusts?
In the beginning was darkness . . . then God spoke. He stretched out the heavens like an artist preparing his canvas, then draped them with the sun, moon, and stars to light the earth. He spoke and the oceans gathered so the dry land could surface. At his command, plants and trees sprang from the earth like…
Don’t Follow Your Heart
We like to think we are the exception to the rule. We don’t claim to be exceptional, but we tend to think that what’s good for others isn’t always necessary for us. I see this most often regarding the commands of God. The laws of God are good (Romans 7:10) and help us live according…
Terrorism or a Woman’s Right?
The news coming from Israel is gut-wrenching. Reports of mass murder, kidnappings, women being rapped, and ongoing hostage situations continue to shock us. Graphic videos flood the internet with atrocities we can’t even imagine. Then, we find out that forty babies were murdered, some even being decapitated. Soldiers found forty small bodies that had been…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/9
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: Finding Beauty in the Local Church in Our Age of Social Media “Social media provides a way to connect with others, laugh at funny memes, and keep up with our favorite sports teams, but it also tempts us toward comparison and…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/25
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: Love Your Church Anyway “I know that if I continue to connect with people at my church, there’s a chance I’ll eventually be misunderstood, betrayed, and rejected by some, but it’s worth the risk for the chance that I’ll be understood,…
God’s Good Design of the Local Church
For years I sat a few pews back from Mrs. Maggie every Sunday morning. I would walk into the auditorium, and she’d already be in the front row with a smile on her face and her portable breathing machine next to her. I’d lean over her walker to hug her while she said in her…
Resources for Managing Your Child’s Screen Time
Technology is advancing faster than parents can keep up. Every new gadget promises new opportunities, but also provides dangers and temptations. Here is a list of resources to help you navigate such difficult questions, provide accountability, and protect your children. Filters/Accountability Software: Canopy– Creates a VPN that monitors all activity on your device (including text…