From the blog this week: Four Things to Remember When You Are Struck by Fear 4 Ways Every Member Can Strengthen Their Local Church “Every church member is like an individual Jenga block. Each block is vital to the stability of the structure. If just one block is out of place, the whole thing becomes…
Author: James Williams
Four Things to Remember When You Are Struck by Fear
We live in uncertain and unpredictable times. We know living in a fallen world means this is always true, but there are times when we are able to perceive it even more clearly. Right now is one of those times. Things that were so predictable and certain, such as having a church service on Sunday…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/7
A collection of links from around the web: From the blog this week: The Comforting Truth of God’s Sovereignty The Utter Horror of the Smallest Sins “Little sins reveal that we are willing to rebel against God in even the smallest matters.” Behold (and beware) the Grandiose View of Self “Too many have thought themselves…
The Comforting Truth of God’s Sovereignty
Only the bravest people dare to venture outside in the middle of a Texas summer day, the rest of us are either in an air-conditioned building or near water. My kids love to swim, and being inside all day supplies young children abundant energy that needs to be burned if there’s to be any hope…
The Existence and Being of God
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ). After spending the first few chapters establishing an understanding of the Word of God (revelation, authority), he now moves on to the doctrine of God. Chapter 5 is entitled ‘The Existence and Being of God.’ In all of our thinking, God…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/30
A collecting of links from around the web: The FAQs: Supreme Court Ruling Protects Free Speech and Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Some basic facts about the Supreme Court’s Ruling this week in favor of free speech. 14 Ideas to Make Your Bible Reading More Consistent “I’ve heard it said, you don’t remember every meal you’ve eaten,…
Why Bother With The Church?
Most of us would never approach a strong man, with his wife at his side, and shout, “I like you, but I hate your bride!” Even if it’s true that his wife is not the most pleasant person, he’s going to defend her and you are about to be in pain. For this reason, most…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/23
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: What to Do With Your Shame “When we are ashamed of something, we feel embarrassed; or, like we aren’t meeting an expectation that society has set. Our reaction to these feelings may be to find a reason to boast. We want to replace our shame…
When You Can’t See God Working
I love running, but can’t stand treadmills. I can’t get past the idea of putting in so much work, sweat, and tears without actually going anywhere. I need to distract myself from my inability to breathe, and staring at the same room doesn’t do the trick. If the weather forces me to run inside, I…
Growing in Grace- Links 6/16
A collection of links from around the web: Humility and Hope: My Prayer for the SBC Convention A word from our newly elected SBC president. May it be so! 10 Practical Ways to Treasure Christ “As Christians, we must ask ourselves: How much of our time is spent scrolling, practicing a hobby, watching TV, or…