A weekly collection of links. From the blog this week: ‘Christopher Robin’ And The Struggle We Face The Lost Art of Hospitality When is the last time you had someone over to your home? Give Your Kids Something Better Than Youth Sports “For what will it profit a child if he gains the traveling team…
Author: James Williams
‘Christopher Robin’ And The Struggle We Face
Having young children gives me an excuse to go to the movies and watch shows that I secretly want to watch but could never to go alone. We recently took our kids to watch Christopher Robin. Instead of the playful child of the 100-acre wood, Christopher Robin has grown up and become too busy for…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/11
A collection of links from the web. From the blog this week: A God We Can Trust Where to Find Lasting Faith “What my friends have taught me is that the pathway to great trust is not to ignore the realities of life, nor is it to blindly agree to trust in some unknown source…
A God We Can Trust
Trusting the unseen isn’t easy. When life seems stacked against us, we naturally lean toward hopelessness. Our ideal of an easy life is chiseled away by our experiences. Another sickness, another loss, another unmet expectation and we find ourselves asking how much more we can take. But, for the believer, it’s even in these moments…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/4
A weekly collection of links from around the web. From the blog this week: Sin Is Crouching At The Door To Devour You Pray With a List “Sometimes I picture the inside of my head as a spiderweb. There are a thousand threads running in a hundred different directions, and when it comes time to…
Sin Is Crouching At the Door to Devour You
He tried to let it go, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Cain’s anger and jealously brewed within him leading to thoughts of harming his brother. In the midst of his internal struggle, the Lord confronted him: Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/28
A collection of links from around the web: From the blog this week: What Does it Mean to Glorify God? Dear Death “I have never been a fan of your work, but this piece is different. It is still horrible to be sure, but it has a strange beauty to it. The road to the…
What Does It Mean To Glorify God?
Have you ever been in a conversation where everyone seemed to understand a certain phrase except you? You try to figure it out using context clues, but you can’t. You want to ask, but you’re too afraid it’s an elementary question you should know, so you just play along and act like you understand. Christians…
Growing in Grace- Links 7/21
A collection of links from around the web: From the blog this week: The Warnings and Comforts of God’s Attributes Being Okay With Not Being Okay “God’s call on our lives, then, is first and foremost not a call to action but a call to brokenness and contrition, for a broken and contrite heart he…
The Warnings and Comforts of God’s Attributes
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ). Last time, we looked at the existence of God, and this week we’ll study chapter 6, “The Attributes of God’s Absolute Personality.” MLJ begins by making a case for why we need to study God’s attributes. In John 4, Jesus tells…