A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From the blog this week: What Does the Bible Say About Angels? Surrendering ‘Supposed To’ “I wake up each morning with the temptation to give into the bitterness that comes from not getting my way. I wake up each morning to the reality that the…
Author: James Williams
What Does the Bible Say About Angels?
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapter 10 entitled, “Good Angels.” The term ‘angel’ means ‘messenger.’ There’s a mysterious element to angels that often leads to either overemphasizing or ignoring them altogether. Scripture often mentions angels, and while we can’t satisfy all our curiosity about…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/15
A collection of links from the web to encourage your growth! From the blog this week: False Alarms and the Impending Judgment of God Fighting For Silence in a World that Never Stops Shouting “God didn’t create me to be alone, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need solitude from time to time. The digital…
False Alarms And The Impending Judgment of God
I was working in the garage when my wife flung the door open. With tears in her eyes and desperation in her voice, she screamed, “James get in here!” Her sister lives in Hawaii and called to tell her that the whole island had received the following warning message on their phones: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/8
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From the blog this week: The God Who Knows: The Eternal Decrees Four Things God Promises When He Says ‘I Will Protect You’ “Here’s a good Bible interpretation rule of thumb: If you come to the same conclusion Satan does, you’re probably not reading it…
The God Who Knows: The Eternal Decrees
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapter 9 entitled, “The Eternal Decrees of God.” MLJ defines eternal decrees as “things which God determined and ordained before He had done anything at all” (93). When discussing a topic such a this, MLJ states that we need…
Growing in Grace- Links 9/1
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace: From the blog this week: Gospel-Centered Fighting Is It Time To Go Back To The Heart of Worship? “So one week Pilavachi unplugged the sound system and had the band leave the stage. For a time they sat in awkward silence until finally they began…
Gospel-Centered Fighting
If you’ve been married a while you know that couples fight. If you are ever around other human beings for any extended period of time, you know that eventually there’s a need for conflict resolution. It’s what happens when you put sinners together. At some point, there will be disagreement, hurt, or disappointment. Relationships will…
Growing in Grace- Links 8/25
A weekly collection of links: From the blog this week: Lloyd-Jones On The Mystery Of The Trinity Wrestling the Giant: Why I Deleted Instagram Some thoughts for us all to consider in our social media age. Two Simple Questions To Ask Someone At Church This Sunday “Ed Welch offers some advice related to connecting with…
Lloyd-Jones On The Mystery Of The Trinity
One of the most difficult Christian teachings is the doctrine of the Trinity. For some, its difficulty gives them reason to abandon studying it altogether. While it’s true the Trinity is mysterious and certainly above our finite ability to completely understand, God has revealed himself as three-in-one. A study of an infinite God won’t always…