We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapters 14 and 15, which deal with the creation of man in God’s image. Scripture shows that something special was taking place when God created mankind, which is emphasized with a “kind of pause” in the text. In Gen….
Author: James Williams
Growing in Grace- Links 11/16
From the blog this week: Why Do You Worship? Moralism is Not The Gospel (But Many Christians Think It Is) “Hell will be highly populated with those who were “raised right.” The citizens of heaven will be those who, by the sheer grace and mercy of God, are there solely because of the imputed righteousness…
Why Do You Worship?
One of the most disheartening aspects of the prosperity ‘gospel’ is that it makes little of God. Instead of being an almighty, perfect, satisfying, joy-giving and loving Father, it simply turns God into a cosmic Santa Clause. If we do ‘good’ (by having faith or claiming it) then he will give us what we want,…
Growing in Grace- Links 11/10
A collection of links from around the web this week: From the blog: 3 Aspects of God’s Providence The Call to Repentance and the Championing of Grace “The call to repentance is the call to return home. It’s the call to be refreshed by our tears. It’s the call to be cleansed from all our…
3 Aspects of God’s Providence
We continue our study of Great Doctrines of the Bible by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) by examining chapter 13 entitled, “The Providence of God.” MLJ defines providence as “that continued exercise of the divine energy whereby the Creator upholds all his creatures, is operative in all that transpires in the world, and directs all things to…
Growing in Grace- Links 11/3
From the blog this week: Who Cares About the Reformation?; The Reformation: A Return to the Gospel; The Reformation: A Return to Scripture The Evolution of Divorce “The divorce revolution’s collective consequences for children are striking. Taking into account both divorce and non-marital childbearing, sociologist Paul Amato estimates that if the United States enjoyed the…
The Reformation: A Return to Scripture
How can believers follow a God who’s invisible? How do we know what He is like, what He desires, and what He requires of us? We can only know about Him since He has revealed Himself to us, but where or how has He done so? This was a major debate during the Reformation and…
The Reformation: A Return to the Gospel
How can sinners enter the presence of a Holy God and hope to live eternally with Him? How good must we be to be “good enough” for heaven? These questions were at the heart of the Reformation, and they are still the most important questions for every human being to answer. We are currently in…
Who Cares About The Reformation?
It was October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Luther was simply attempting to begin a discussion about the abuses and false teaching happening in the Church. Little did he know, this would spark a movement that changed the Church and Western civilization….
Growing in Grace- Links 10/27
A collection of links from the web: From the blog this week: 5 Reminders About Ministering to Others American Gospel “It is, in short, a film about how the gospel espoused by so many so-called Christians is not good news at all. This gospel is not drawn from the Bible but from the worldly desire…