Since the fall of man, each person has been born with a sin nature. By the sin of Adam all men were made sinners (Romans 5:19). We were created to worship and serve God, yet that has been tainted and perverted. Instead of worshipping God we worship ourselves; instead of living for God’s glory, we…
Author: James Williams
Growing in Grace- Links 3/8
A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace! From the blog this week: The Dearest Place on Earth Girl, Follow Jesus “In her latest book, Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals, Hollis…wants you to believe in yourself, to take great pride in your hard work and accomplishments,…
The Dearest Place on Earth
It seems we only hear about the church in the news during a new scandal or some moral failing. These are certainly problems that need to be addressed, but let us not forget there is much beauty within the body of Christ that doesn’t make headlines. The church is a unique institution set up by…
Growing In Grace- Links 3/1
From the blog this week: Trusting When I Don’t Understand What You Should Know About the Born-Alice Abortion Survivors Protection Act It’s sad that we even need a bill like this. It’s even sadder that it didn’t pass. When Grumbling Meets Gossip “Knowing that the church in Philippi is encountering a time of trial that…
Trusting When I Don’t Understand
My son and I enjoy hunting together, and if we have a successful season we have enough meat to feed our family all year. On one occasion, we were walking back to the truck bundled up in camo on a cold night. He said something to me and I quickly snapped back at him. Later,…
Growing in Grace- Links 2/22
From the blog this week: “Have We Become Pharisees? 5 Evaluation Questions.” God’s Book and God’s Voice “Not many people see heaven and live to tell about it. In Scripture, those who may have (Lazarus, Paul, and the girl we call Talitha), never recorded a word of what they saw. Only John’s Revelation was given…
Have We Become Pharisees? 5 Evaluation Questions
Last year, my family and I enjoyed some vacation time at the beach. After finding a place to put our towels, my oldest son and I jumped into the ocean to go body surfing. Fifteen minutes later, I looked up to find my wife—but nothing on the beach looked familiar. I thought I was still…
Growing in Grace- Links 2/15
From the blog this week: The Value and Responsibility of Church Membership Biographies for People Who Have Never Read a Biography I’ve always thought biographies are a great way to read church history through great, real-life stories! Do Not Regard God’s Discipline Lightly “I’ve never met a person who said that discipline was pleasant. Parents…
The Value and Responsibility of Church Membership
According to the Southern Baptists Convention’s website, there are 15,005,638 members of SBC churches in our country. However, weekly attendance is only 5,320,488. If those numbers are correct, then only a third of our members attend church each week. What’s going on with these numbers? While there are many contributing factors, it certainly shows that…
Growing in Grace- Links 2/8
From the blog this week: Marks of a Healthy Church- A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism The Time I Went Under Church Discipline “‘Jeff,’ John began, ‘we are here because we need to talk to you about something. A sin.’ My stomach hit the warped wood floor. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What did…