If you read the works of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, you’ll likely see a reference to men like Daniel Rowland, Howell Harris, or William Williams. These men were 18th century Welsh Calvinistic Methodists and were very influential to the life and ministry of Lloyd-Jones. While some refer to Lloyd-Jones as “the last of the Puritans,” he did…
Author: James Williams
Growing in Grace- Links 11/1
From the blog this week: Another Big Week Do I Need More Self-Esteem? “Though self-esteem may be preached by our culture, the concept is not in the Bible. God never calls us to believe in ourselves, love ourselves, trust in ourselves, or have confidence in ourselves. On the contrary, the Bible says our hearts are…
Another Big Week…
Hey everyone, last time I updated you I let you know that we were in the process of adopting our foster son, and I was on the verge of submitting my dissertation. The culmination of both of these things happens THIS week! We have a court date TODAY to legally adopt our son. We are…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/25
From the blog this week: Fierce Wolves and Bold Shepherds I Finally Wrote My Resignation Letter “But sleep may be one of the most underestimated weapons we have against the schemes of the devil. With my mind clouded and foggy with fatigue, it was ripe for the lies of Satan to blend with the realities…
Fierce Wolves and Bold Shepherds
Knowing he’ll never see them again, Paul gathers the Ephesian elders and counsels them with these words: Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/18
From the blog this week: Christ the Priest Beto O’Rourke’s Plan to Destroy Churches “O’Rourke is showing Christians that the threat posed by legalized same-sex marriage is more real—and more radical—than they may have yet realized.” 7 Traits of Toxic Church Leaders “Toxic leaders keep great things from happening in a church. Toxic leaders often avoid systems…
Christ the Priest
Today we’ll continue our study of “Great Doctrines of the Bible” by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The last chapter considered the prophetic role of Christ, today we’ll examine chapter 26, “Christ the Priest.” Our sin renders us unable to stand before a holy God. We need to be delivered from our guilt, and in the Old Testament…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/11
Check out these links from around the web: 8 Signs of True Repentance “Often I’ve been told by my abuser, “If you don’t forgive me, God won’t forgive you.” But this threatening posture indicates insincere repentance. It’s unloving, manipulative, and implies the offender doesn’t accept or comprehend the gravity of what they’ve done.” How to…
Growing in Grace- Links 10/4
From the blog this week: Behold Our God! Check out these links from around the web: The Gospel is Freedom From Pretending and Performing “So, you’re always wondering, “Have I been good enough?” and “Have I done enough?” And, if something bad happens to you, you wonder, “Is God paying me back for something?” This…
Behold Our God!
About 53 million light-years from earth is a supermassive black hole that is the core of Messier 87, one of the largest galaxies in the observable universe. Several billion times the mass of the sun, this black hole (like all black holes) has such a gravitational pull that nothing, not even light, can escape it…