A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace. On Controversy An excellent letter from John Newton (author of Amazing Grace) to a younger minister engaged in public debate. We would do well to consider each of Newton’s points as we engage in public debates…especially in our divided and outraged…
Author: James Williams
Shrinking in Shame
There are certain moments a father never forgets. One of the sweetest memories of my young children occurred when I came home after work. Immediately, my children would drop whatever they were doing and scream “Daddy’s home” while running full speed into my kneecaps. Though I came home everyday, they greeted me as if I…
Growing in Grace- Links 2/17
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: To Those Living in Secret Sin “If you sense resistance to sharing, consider where it might be coming from. I know vulnerability is difficult, and perhaps you haven’t had the best experiences sharing with others. But I appeal to you anyway—the…
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Kings tried to take his life. He stood toe-to-toe with an armed giant who terrified entire armies. He walked by faith in situations that would make many run in fear. Almighty God called him a “man after my own heart.” Yet, in spite of his history of godly character and tremendous faith, David let down…
Broken But Beautiful
It’s popular to bash the church. I’ve seen stories of minor inconveniences or misunderstandings in the church posted on social media. Within minutes, there are numerous likes and a litany of attacks about how awful the church is. In our culture, being judgmental is considered a major sin, unless you are judging the church. Then,…
The Fight For Life
This past Sunday was the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day set aside to reflect on God as the Giver of life, to remember the many who’ve been lost to abortion, and to raise awareness for the cause of life. Below is the sermon I preached that covers: Abortion is not merely a political…
Growing in Grace- Links 1/20
A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace: The Prosperity Gospel We Sometimes All Believe In “There is a version of the prosperity gospel that we can all believe in and it goes something like this: ‘God, I gave my life to you, and in exchange I expect you…
Snatched From The Fire
Last week I attended a funeral for a 92-year-old man. His daughter shared how the Lord impressed upon her to share the gospel with her father. While together for Thanksgiving, she tried to steer the conversation that way, but it didn’t happen. She tried again a few weeks later and was once again unable. Sensing…
Most Read Articles of 2024
We all love a good “best of” list at the end of the year. Thank you for following along and I pray you are continually encouraged as you read the Growing in Grace blog. Here’s a list of the most read articles of 2024: If God is Sovereign, Why Pray? “If God controls everything, if…
Favorite Reads of 2024
Each year I like to share some of my favorite books I read over the past year. I wasn’t planning on reading a lot of biographies this year, but it seemed to be an unplanned theme. If you haven’t read any of these, be sure to check them out! Einstein: His Life and Universe by…