Check out these links from around the web:
Why the Reformation Still Matters
“And that was why the Reformation gave people such a taste for sermons and Bible reading. For, to be able to read God’s words and to see in them such good news that God saves sinners, not on the basis of how well they repent but entirely by His own grace, was like a burst of Mediterranean sunshine into the gray world of religious guilt.”
Discovering a World of Surplus Beauty
“Why had God made that flower? Why had he made it there and why had he made it then? Why did it exist if not to be seen? And who would ever see it but me? It was my flower, wasn’t it? A bit of beauty God had crafted for me. Time slipped away as I gazed at it in wonder and gratitude.”
Why Did Demons Ask Jesus for Pigs?
“The fact that the demons pleaded to be sent into the pigs shows how much they hated roaming about in the world without any habitation. This seems to point to how evil they are, and how the maximizing of their evil comes from entering into any kind of being they can get their hands on to ruin their lives.”
Three Leadership Lessons for All of Us
“We can gently remind our children of the consequences they’ve experienced when they chose selfishness over God’s direction. We can warn our brothers or sisters of our own failures and the bitter fruit it bore in our lives. “