A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace.
On Controversy
An excellent letter from John Newton (author of Amazing Grace) to a younger minister engaged in public debate. We would do well to consider each of Newton’s points as we engage in public debates…especially in our divided and outraged age.
Nick Would Be 25 Years Old Today
“Aileen and I often consider that bound to missing Nick is missing our old lives. The loss of our son and the loss of our innocence are inseparably bound together. Our old lives were good. We had many pleasures and few griefs, many joys and few sorrows. But now grief is always close at hand, always just beneath the surface, always able and willing to swell up at the smallest provocation. Yet joys and pleasures are also always close at hand and we are determined that we will not neglect these joys nor allow sorrow to overwhelm them. ”
Making Sense of God’s Sovereignty
“Melissa Kruger and Courtney Doctor talk about the mysterious tension between the doctrine of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility. They discuss what implications God’s sovereignty has for our prayer lives and why it shouldn’t cool our passion for evangelism. Although it may be hard to understand how God could be sovereign when we’re suffering, what’s initially a troubling doctrine can become our deepest comfort.”