A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace:
Fathers, Do You Provoke Your Children?
“How can we walk by the Spirit and bear spiritual fruit unless we are spending time in daily communion? Fathers, the grace of God is flowing like a cool, crisp spring stream, and we need to continually wade in the waters of God’s presence and power to truly love our children in a Christlike way. Only when we reach the end of ourselves and cry out for God’s grace will we live out true, biblical fatherhood.”
How Do You Disagree Like a Christian?
“But here’s the problem: if we’re Christians, we can’t live this way. We aren’t called to play by the same rule book as the rest of the world. Christians have a higher standard. ”
What Memorizing Scripture Will Do For Your Kids
“One of the neglected spiritual disciplines of our time is Scripture memorization. Rarely are churches, families, and individuals taking the time to learn by heart God’s Word. Perhaps this is because we think that rote learning is not heart-learning, or perhaps, due to the technology at our fingertips, we do not see the need to use our memory much. ”