Last week I attended a funeral for a 92-year-old man. His daughter shared how the Lord impressed upon her to share the gospel with her father. While together for Thanksgiving, she tried to steer the conversation that way, but it didn’t happen. She tried again a few weeks later and was once again unable. Sensing that his time was short, she tried again a third time. This time, was able to share the gospel and point him to verses in Romans that explained it clearly. He repented of his sin and asked Christ to save him!
She could see new joy in a face she had known her whole life. As soon as her sister arrived, the first thing he told her was about his new faith in Christ.
He died a week later. He entered the Lord’s presence still wet with the baptismal waters. Barely time for growing in his faith, never able to join a church or find a discipleship group, he entered into the presence of a Savior he had only recently met.
I immediately thought of the verse in Jude: “Save others by snatching them out of the fire…” (1:23). Jonathan Edwards famously said that we are like spiders dangling over the fire of hell. Until we find salvation in Christ, we are ever dangling and at any moment our life could end and plunge us into the fire forever.
Unbeliever, you don’t know your appointed day to die. Maybe you’ll make it to 92-years-old or perhaps today will be your last. The hand that keeps you from plunging into the fire now will not keep you there forever. Repent and believe in Christ before it’s too late.
For those who believe in Christ, you are surrounded by others who are still in danger. At any moment, they could be eternally plunged into damnation. Share the good news as often as God gives the opportunity so the Spirit can work through you.
We’ve all been dangerously close to eternal damnation, singed by the very fires of hell. But for the grace of God, we would all face that horrible fate that we certainly deserve. Whether Christ saved us at nine or ninety-two, all who are in Christ have tasted the mercy of God that has snatched us from the fire.
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