We all love a good “best of” list at the end of the year. Thank you for following along and I pray you are continually encouraged as you read the Growing in Grace blog. Here’s a list of the most read articles of 2024:
If God is Sovereign, Why Pray?
“If God controls everything, if all of our choices and actions fall within his desired purpose, why should we pray? Whether we pray or not, won’t his will be accomplished?”
When Consequences Are Irreversible
“What do you to do when your sin brings about irreversible consequences? What happens when there are effects from a sinful choice that you have to live with for a time? Perhaps you made a major life choice like a move or job change without listening to the Lord through prayer and wise counsel…then it quickly becomes apparent that you made the wrong choice but can’t change it immediately.”
When Fear Assails…
“Though I’m safe in his hands, I still wonder how things will work out. I know that in this fallen world, not everything will work out fine. There will be heartache, there will be loss, and there will be times I struggle to see his goodness.”
God Sees Your Intentions
“As humans, we naturally view the world through what we see with our eyes. Someone might have certain outward actions that are commendable, but Scripture teaches that God doesn’t look merely at the outward action; he examines the motives of our heart.”
7 Evidences of a Spirit-Led Life
“Scripture teaches that every true believer has the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:9), but it is possible to walk after the flesh instead of walking after the Spirit (Gal. 5). So, how can we know if we are being led by the Spirit?”
Who Were the Calvinist Methodists?
“Lloyd-Jones often found that people viewed a ‘Calvinistic Methodist’ to be a contradiction in terms; he claimed this was because of a misunderstanding of the term “Methodism.” Typically, one might define Methodism exclusively as Wesleyan Methodism. The ‘Holy Club’ was a group made up of men like John and Charles Wesley and George Whitefield who met at Oxford beginning in 1729.”
Will the Return of Christ Be Secret?
You’ve likely seen the movies. People are going about their daily life and then all of a sudden many just disappear. A pile of clothes is all that remains where there had been a person. Cars that previously had drivers now move on empty and uncontrolled. Chaos ensues as people try to figure out what happened. But, is this what the Scriptures teach will really happen?
When You Can’t See God Working
Sometimes life feels running on a treadmill. With great effort, I’m accomplishing tasks and taking care of business, but can’t shake nagging questions like, “Am I going anywhere? What is God doing in my life?”
Do you wonder if God is at work in your life? You feel like you’re going through the motions, yet God’s hand seems to have vanished.