A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace!
The Internal Contradiction in Transgender Theories
“He believes one of the transgender movement’s most remarkable achievements has been to conceal the internal division at the heart of gender theory. ‘There is no single trans narrative,’ he says. There are two, ‘wholly incompatible and mutually destructive, which have somehow been fused into a single, all-conquering cause.'”
The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read
“And yet I believe that many parents fail to read the parenting book that could make the biggest difference to their lives and families. Many neglect to give their attention to the parenting book that God has set right before them. It’s the “book” that is being written in the lives of the people in their own local church.”
10 Key Bible Verses on Self-Control
“Those who give their lives over to the flesh will face eternal death, but those who slay the desires of the flesh through the power of the Spirit will enjoy eternal life. God and believers each have a role in sanctification: it must be by the Spirit and his power, but you put to death shows that one must take an active role in battling sinful habits.”
Worse Than Any Affliction: Why I Refuse to Grumble
“When God’s people make a habit of complaining, they’ve gone astray and abandoned God’s ways.”