A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace.
What Should Christians Think of Same-Sex Marriage?
“By recognizing same-sex unions as marriage, just like the husband-wife relationship we’ve always called marriage, the state is engaging in (or at least codifying) a massive reengineering of our social life. It assumes the indistinguishability of gender in parenting, the relative unimportance of procreation in marriage, and the near infinite flexibility as to what sorts of structures and habits lead to human flourishing.“
The King Came in Rags
“Perhaps your life seems underwhelming, too. Jesus was a humble carpenter from a despised land. As you rise before dark to work at the factory, your life seems far from glorious. Jesus knows the toil of a forgotten laborer. Maybe as you lay awake with bags under your eyes nursing your infant back to sleep at 2 a.m., you feel unappreciated at worst and unnoticed at best. Jesus, too, knows of long, sleepless nights toiling for the good of others (Luke 6:12).”
Our Hearts Are Restless
“You awaken us to delight in your praise. For you made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it finds its place of rest in you.”