A collection of links from around the web to encourage your growth in grace!
The Gold Mine in the Local Church
“God has uniquely gifted the local church to help the people of God reach the nations for God. Though you can mine the depths of the minds of great authors in their books, your local church is a gold mine.”
In the Beginning There Were No Canyons
“So the Master gave his orders to the birds of the air until they flocked from north, south, east and west, each bearing a seed to drop upon the fertile ground. Soon enough the Prairie bloomed with the bright colors of crocuses and sunflowers, of lillies and roses, of aster and clover.”
Overcome Horror with Prayer: State of the Union for Abortion
“Because some evils are so profoundly demonic in their power structure that they will not be cast out without prayer. Child-killing is one of those evils. It’s not merely a failure to maintain the human rights of the defenseless (Psalm 82:3–4). Nor is it simply an exercise in personal autonomy. It’s unrealized demonic servitude.”