A collection of links to encourage your growth in grace!
From the blog: God Sees Your Intentions
American Culture is Broken. Is Theonomy the Answer?
“The simplest observation to make about Theonomy as a hermeneutic is that it misunderstands the relationship between the old covenant and the new covenant—which leads to misapplications today.”
Character Matters
“A ministry not marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control is like a ticking time bomb — it’s set to explode”
The Kingdom of God Conquers Racism
“The most radical, earth-shattering, life-changing need for the church today is not a more robust understanding of secular social justice. The world doesn’t need more Christians who are committed to secular conservatism or American patriotism. If we want to see racism and partiality done away with in the church and the world around us, we need people to love Jesus in both word and deed.”