From the blog this week: Our Worry and God’s Unblemished Faithfulness
Check out these links:
Don’t Use ‘Calling’ to Avoid Serving
“How many of us have heard these appeals to serve somewhere in the church and have thought to ourselves, Oh, I’m not gifted in that area or I’m not called to those people.”
7 School-Year Rhythms to Establish Your Family in the Lord
“But how are we going to see to that in the midst of team practices, homework, youth group, and three different social lives, not to mention our own? When I look at the upcoming calendar, my palms sweat as I wonder where there’s room for the most important things. How will we carve out time for our family and, even more importantly, time for our family to seek the Lord together?”
How to Pray in Spiritual Warfare
“Prayer should mark your life not just in days of distress and trouble, nor even at regular set times in the day, but also at your most joyful moments. When you have a close relationship with someone, you want to interact with him or her regularly, sharing joys as well as sorrows.”
Quit Social Media
A compelling argument for why we should quit social media (or, at least, cut waaaay back).